Month: October 2017

Use this set of amazing blog posts to create a penguin unit this winter for your kids

Penguin Activities for Preschoolers

Aren’t penguins adorable? They are also fascinating animals to study. Explore these fun penguin activities for preschoolers this winter! Preschool Penguins Theme Winter is a great time to introduce and explore penguins. Although most of us have not seen penguins in the wild, they are a fascinating animal to study and are perfect for inspiring […] Read more…

Free: Penguins and Fish Counting

We love all things “Penguin” in the winter!  This is a simple little counting printable to go with your Penguins theme or unit. To use, just print and cut out the cards and match the penguin to the mats!  Even more fun is using little goldfish crackers as counters to use with these penguin number […] Read more…

Free: Snowman Beginning Sound Matching

Looking for a winter beginning sounds activity?  Try this snowman printable to teach letter sounds and work on the alphabet. We love all things snow and snowmen in our class!  This beginning sounds activity will work in a variety of your literacy centers during winter and is suitable for preschool, pre-K, Kindergarten and early intervention. […] Read more…

Free: Christmas Rhyming Matchups

How do you teach rhyming to your pre-schooler?  Rhyming is an important pre-literacy skill and is part of the foundation that future reading skills are built on.  But, teaching rhyming doesn’t have to be complicated! My favorite ways to work on rhyming is to enjoy lots and lots of rhyming songs and stories together!  Oral […] Read more…

Free: Squirrels and Acorns 3D Shape Matching

Do you learn about 3D Shapes (or geometric shapes/solids) in your class?  We love learning new vocabulary and my students really enjoying saying things like “cylinder” and “rectangular prism”! We have a set of geometric solids in our class that we use to introduce the name of the solids and then we go on a […] Read more…