Month: January 2022

How To Fix Over Activated Slime

How To Fix Over Activated Slime

If you thought the slime trend had dried up by now, you couldn’t be more wrong. Kids’ interests are ever-changing, but one thing always seems to remain the same: an enthusiasm for all things sticky, gooey, bendy, and sometimes gross.  Not only is slime fun for your kids, but it’s a great learning tool. Slime […] Read more…

How To Fix Sticky Slime

How To Fix Sticky Slime

Slime is one of the best toys for kids of all ages. It’s fun and attractive due to all the bright colors plus they can contain different textures. This makes it a great sensory toy for kids to play with as it’s so gooey and slimy, allowing kids to experiment with their curiosity and come […] Read more…

How To Teach Skip Counting

How To Teach Skip Counting

How would you describe your teaching style? Are you a teacher who likes to explain things step by step or prefer to let students discover things on their own? Teaching children is a rewarding experience. Children love learning new things and they also enjoy being taught by someone who cares about them. When teaching young […] Read more…