Do you celebrate the Chinese Lunar New Year in your class? This set of Chinese Zodiac printables will be a great addition to your Chinese New Year preschool theme.
I love using the Chinese Zodiac when we’re talking about Chinese New Year. Young children really enjoy animals in all contexts and this is a really fun one! In addition to familiar animals like the dog, rooster and pig, they can also be introduced to the mythical dragon… always a favorite!
This is a very simple printable suitable for your young preschoolers and toddlers. Simply cut out and match the animal halves. My students really like the “distance game” version of this.
- Place the mats in a stack on a table in one end of the room and the cards in a line at the other end of the room.
- Child selects one of the mats from the stack and places it on the table.
- He remembers the animal he is looking for and heads to the other end of the room to find the matching half.
- Child selects the correct matching half and comes back to the table to place it on the mat
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