If you’re looking for the perfect topic for a fall theme for your preschoolers, think squirrels!  Preschoolers find these little woodland creatures fascinating.  They are cute and furry, and scamper around the neighborhood. A preschool squirrel theme is a great way to incorporate nature studies into your learning plan.

  1. Head out for a nature walk and observe squirrels in action.
  2. Collect items found in the squirrels’ habitat and talk about why squirrels might need them.
  3. Make a squirrel-feeder and hang it outside the window for some close observation (or just use a bird feeder!)
  4. Talk about what squirrels do and don’t eat!
  5. Try the following activities to bring some “squirrely” activities into your classroom!

Squirrels 3-D Shape Matching (Free) | Preschool Activities Nook
Get this free printable for a little shape matching activity!  Available for Nook subscribers here.

Squirrel Theme | Welcome to Mommyhood
Learn about the lifecycle of a squirrel and so much more with these charming printables from Yuliya!

Squirrels and Acorns Rhyming Matchups | Preschool Activities Nook
Add these squirrel rhyming cards to your literacy centers to work on phonological awareness skills. Available on TpT.

We love this Squirrel Anatomy poster from @Tanglewoodhollow!  Photo featured on @im_the_simon

Add some real acorns to your math manipulatives for some counting fun during your squirrels unit.  Or print off some acorn shapes and use those instead, like these from @greenurbanmama!

Squirrel Activities at the Science Table | Teaching 2 and 3 Year Olds
Get some fun ideas for hands-on, age appropriate nature studies about squirrels and acorns here! Explore acorns and other things found in the squirrel’s habitat.

Squirrel Sensory Bin | Sugar Spice and Glitter
Add some silk leaves, acorns, nuts, mini logs and a few fuzzy little (toy) squirrels to a sensory bin for some open ended play and exploration.

Dixie Cup Squirrel Craft | The Pinterested Parent
This cute squirrel craft is a great way to work on those fine motor skills while gluing googley eyes and curly tails! Make them in different colors and with different materials and try using them for counting, sorting, and other learning activities.

Squirrel Feeder | Fun Learning For Kids
Make a squirrel feeder and hang it outside to do some squirrel observation!

Squirrel Songs!
Your students will really enjoy these fun songs and action rhymes about squirrels!

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