Do you have a preschooler who loves dinosaurs? Make the most out of that natural curiosity with this set of the best dinosaur activities for kids! You’ll find printable games, sensory play ideas, and much more!

Great ideas for a preschool unit about dinosaurs

10 of The Best Dinosaur Activities for Kids

I remember LOVING dinosaurs as a child! I can see the fascination in so many other kids now that I’m older and I really want to help them learn and grow.

Sneak in learning with this set of activities from some of our favorite sites. Feel free to leave a comment with your favorite dinosaur activities!

Dinosaur Sensory Play

Dinosaur Dig | Planning Playtime – Your kids are going to love this simple dinosaur dig! It’s easy to put together and a great sensory activity for your creative kids.

Dinosaur Play Dough | Fantastic Fun and Learning – This invitation to create is perfect for kids that are interested dinosaurs! You can can create this open ended play idea to encourage creativity, story telling, and learn dinosaur vocabulary.

Dinosaur Archaeology Sensory Play | Busy Toddler – Paleontologist make new dinosaur discoveries everyday. Set up this sensory play idea for your dinosaur loving kids and allow them to pretend they are making their own dinosaur discoveries!

Melting Ice Dino Dig | Happy Hooligans – Kids love ice sensory play! You’ll need a little preplanning to create this activity, but it will keep your preschoolers busy for hours!

Dinosaur sensory bins, archeology digs and playdough activities for preschoolers

Dinosaur Crafts

Paper Plate Dinosaurs | Arty Crafty Kids – Aren’t paper plate crafts the best? Encourage your kids to create a dinosaur using their imagination and then role play with your new creations!

Easy Dinosaur Craft | Fantastic Fun and Learning – Print and create your own dinosaur craft! This craft is a great following directions activity and strengthening little hands as they decorate their dinosaur templates.

Dinosaur STEM Activity

Hatch Baking Soda Dinosaur Eggs | STEAM Powered Family – Add in this STEM activity to your dinosaur themed learning. You’ll need a couple materials from your kitchen to make this activity a success!

Fun kids crafts about dinosaurs

Educational Printables About Dinosaurs

Dinosaurs Preschool Pack | Trillium Montessori – What a great way to kick off your dinosaur themed learning! Print and learn more about these ancient creatures with this printable pack for preschoolers.

D  is for Dinosaur | Fun With Mama – This is adorable! If you are planning a letter of the week activity with your students, add D is for Dinosaur to the activity list!

Dinosaur Pack | 3 Dinosaurs – Wow! So much amazing learning in this Dinosaur Pack! Practice letters, numbers, and fine motor skills with one download.

Dino Dig Counting Play Dough Mats | Preschool Activities Nook – Be sure to grab my free counting mats to round out your Dinosaur printables collection!


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Dinosars for toddlers and preschoolers. Try these fun activities with your kids.