Aren’t the Olympics fun? Of course we don’t get to enjoy them every year, but when we do the kids LOVE it! This year try these Winter Olympic activities for preschoolers with your kids at home or school for plenty of STEM activities, art projects, and fun crafts!

Winter Olympic activities for preschoolers with your kids at home or school for plenty of STEM activities, art projects, and fun crafts!

10 Winter Olympic Activities for Preschoolers

The Olympics have a way of bringing the world together in an encouraging and fun way! Preschoolers love watching the fun games and aspiring to be an Olympian like so many young athletes.

Sneak in learning with this set of activities from some of our favorite sites. Feel free to leave a comment with your favorite Winter Olympics activities!

Winter Olympics Printables Pack | 3 Dinosaurs – Start with this Olympics themed learning pack. It’s a great way to introduce new vocabulary and help student with their fine motor skills.

Fizzy Olympic Rings | I Can Teach My Child – Fun! Make your own fizzy olympic rings to make a fun STEM activity for preschoolers. You’ll need a couple materials from your kitchen for this one.

Olympic Rings Art Project | Happy Hooligans – Use recycled materials for this Olympic themed art project. This activity is great for color recognition and shape recognition!

Salt Dough Olympic Medals | The Imagination Tree – DIY medals are the best! Salt dough is easy to make and will harden to make medals which can be painted. We love the idea of creating the first, second, and their place medals for your DIY Olympic races!

Olympic Torch Painting Projects | JDaniel4’s Mom – Add this painting activity to your winter olympics unit! This project includes process art techniques, scissor skills, and a creativity for students to create their own beautiful torch paintings.

Winter Olympic activities for preschoolers with your kids at home or school for plenty of STEM activities, art projects, and fun crafts!

Cardboard Olympic Ring Puzzle | Toddler Approved – So fun! Create your own matching game with the iconic Olympic rings. You can set this up in just a couple minutes and will help children with memory skills and phonemic awareness.

Learning About the Winter Olympics | Trillium Montessori – There are so many great activities on this post, but we especially love the bead activity. It’s a great fine motor activity where students can create their own Olympic rings.

Olympic Torch Craft for Toddlers | No Time for Flashcards – Create your own torch with materials from your craft stash. This is a great opportunity to talk about the history of the torch and the unity it brings to your world.

Olympic Snowball Toss | And Next Comes L on Parents – Add in gross motor skills with a snowball toss! You can set this activity up in your classroom or home. You’ll need a little prep time to put this together, but the kids will LOVE it!

Mini Olympic Games | Toddler Approved – So clever! Create your own mini ice skating rink for kids to play mini hockey and mini ice skating. It’s a great quiet time activity for your preschoolers too!

Winter Olympic activities for preschoolers with your kids at home or school for plenty of STEM activities, art projects, and fun crafts!

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We would love to hear from you! What are your favorite Winter Olympic Activities for Preschoolers?