Do you learn about 3D Shapes (or geometric shapes/solids) in your class? We love learning new vocabulary and my students really enjoying saying things like “cylinder” and “rectangular prism”!
We have a set of geometric solids in our class that we use to introduce the name of the solids and then we go on a hunt around the school to find objects in real life that are those shapes. This is one of our favorite games!
Once the children are fairly comfortable with the vocabulary, I like to add some hands-on sorting and matching activities on our shelves that the children can do on their own.
I created these sorting cards to go with our “Animals in Winter” theme.
This is a pretty simple printable activity and your younger students should be able to handle it with ease. You can use these cards in a variety of ways.
- The easiest way to play, is to match the geometric solid acorn card to the squirrel mat. The geometric solids look the same and this is a pretty simple visual matching task.
- Match the real-life solid acorn card to the corresponding geometric solid squirrel mat. This is a little bit more challenging but still fairly simple!
- If you’d like to save on ink, skip the squirrel mats and just print out the acorn cards for matching. These can be used in a variety of ways. Match them up in simple pairs, play “memory”, add these cards to a sensory bin and hunt for mini geometric solids.
Check out some of these other resources to learn about geometric solids:
- Geometric Solids Activities and Printables from Every Star is Different
- The Best Way to Teach 3D Shapes by Teach Junkie
- Inexpensive and DIY Geometric Solids and Extensions by Living Montessori Now
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