Know a four year old who loves dinosaurs?  Who doesn’t?!  If you’re doing a dinosaur unit with your preschoolers, add this free printable to your math or play dough centers for some dino counting fun!

This 30-page printable is best for children who working on one-to-one correspondence, counting, and number recognition.


  • 0-10 counting mats with a numeral for tracing, a ten frame, and dashed lines for writing the numeral
  • 0-10 counting mats with a numeral for tracing, a ten frame, and dotted letters for spelling the number
  • One counting mat with space to add a number card
  • 0-10 number cards with the numeral and the number spelled out
  • 0-10 number cards with a filled ten frame
  • 0-10 number cards
  • 55 mini bones cards

How to Use These Counting Mats

This versatile set can be enjoyed by children at various stages of math concept development. I recommend laminating the mats and cards to make them durable.  Alternatively, you can place them in a page protector or plastic sleeves like these.

  • Use with manipulatives such as these dinosaur counters, or use the provided printable bone cards
  • Trace the number with your finger or use a dry erase crayon/marker. You can even roll out the number shape with play dough!
  • Roll play dough balls or use plain beads or pompoms to fill in the ten frames with the correct quantity
  • Use ten frame number cards to check your work!
  • You may even want to try tracing the number words

Try these additional activities to round out your dinosaurs unit.

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